Users can occasionally become quite captivated by Instagram that they lose track of their daily lifestyle. As a result, users frequently attempt to deactivate accounts or delete the app permanently. However, after a while, some users could start to sense the sudden void and want to have it restored. Therefore, if you need assistance retrieving your recently deleted Instagram account, go through this article. The article covers every important detail of how to recover a deleted Instagram account.

Can You Recover A Deleted Instagram Account?

If you delete Instagram, can you get it back? Instagram allows users to disable their accounts in two ways. One is a transient choice, while the other is a more long-term one. Thus, you can recover your Instagram account if you have not permanently deleted it, only deactivated it. However, we must not lose hope. This discussion focuses on “how to recover a deleted Instagram account.” Therefore, there might be a few techniques that might help recover deleted Instagram accounts.

How to Recover Deleted Instagram Account

A few users want to delete their Instagram accounts for some reason. Occasionally, their accounts get action blocked on Instagram, but they rarely get banned or suspended. Whatever the situation is, sometimes users suddenly want to recover their recently deleted Instagram accounts. Let’s see the recovery solution to get back a deleted Instagram account.

How to Recover Deleted Instagram Account if Deactivated

You can recover a deactivated Instagram account relatively quickly. Can you reactivate a deleted Instagram account? Keep reading our article. If you need to take a weekly social media break, Instagram has a policy that lets you deactivate your account once a week. There is no time limit for deactivating your account. You are free to disable it for as long as you choose. Users must acknowledge Instagram does not delete their posts, likes, stories, comments, and other data after deactivating their accounts. Instead, it will remain intact as they left it previously. The only distinction is that no other user could access a deactivated account’s profile, posts, comments, or direct messages because other users won’t be able to view deactivated Instagram accounts. To revive your Instagram account and resume your Instagram social engagement, follow the following steps:

How to Recover Deleted Instagram Account if Banned

Users can quickly reinstate disabled, suspended, or deleted Instagram accounts. Sometimes users delete their Instagram accounts. Sometimes, Instagram suspends their accounts. Whatever the condition is. You can try to recover your deleted Instagram account. Instagram might block user accounts for several reasons. The main reasons are listed below-

Users have reported your content or account. Mass following or liking. Making posts with no time breaks. Violation of Instagram community guidelines or terms of service. Login from multiple devices and IP addresses. Intellectual property rights or copyright infringements. Instagram accidentally canceled your account.

If one of the abovementioned reasons leads Instagram to suspend your account suddenly, don’t fret. All you have to do is adhere to a simple procedure. And you’ll get back a deleted Instagram account in no time. To get your Instagram account back after deleting it: Note: In case you have misplaced your Instagram password. Your Instagram password is recoverable. Reset it by hitting on forget password and then follow the reactivation instructions.

How to Recover Deleted Instagram Before 30 Days

Users might believe that they can never recover their permanently deleted Instagram accounts. They are mistaken, though. It is conceivable. Users typically make such blunders unconsciously and subsequently regret them. For example, suppose you have accidentally deleted your Instagram account permanently. Quit chickening out, as Instagram has the remedy in its toolkit to assist you.

After deleting your Instagram account, you see a popup detailing how long it would take to reinstate your account. Instagram takes 30 days to delete an account. Therefore, before the first 30 days, the account will not be permanently closed. So if a user regrets the decision and wishes to restore the deleted Instagram account, he must log in to his account back. Remember to recover deleted Instagram within the given time frame. Otherwise, it restoring the Instagram account will become impossible. To recover a deleted Instagram account, follow the steps below:

These steps are only valid for users who have not exceeded the 30-day time frame. See what response I got after attempting to recover a deleted Instagram account. I got this response within 30 days.

How to Recover Permanently Deleted Instagram Account

If the user attempts to recover a permanently deleted Instagram account or log back into their account after the 30-day window, they won’t get access. After his trial, a notification stating ‘account not found’ will pop up, blocking access to his account. Therefore, nobody can’t recover a permanently deleted Instagram account. Unless Instagram permanently removes your account, you can recover a deleted Instagram account. If Instagram mistakenly bans your account, raise the request to restore your deleted Instagram account. In addition, ensure Instagram did not terminate your account due to breaching the terms of service or community guidelines. In that scenario, there could be a slim possibility of recovery.

How to Contact Instagram Support Team

By contacting the Instagram support service, you might be able to recover a deleted Instagram account. To restore a permanently deleted Instagram account, please follow the following instructions carefully:

Open the following URL with your browser-  On this page, you see the question –” Is this account used to represent a business, product, or service?” You have to answer it in Yes and No.

Choose NO if your account was personal. Otherwise, select YES. Following that, a form will appear. You must fill the form by entering the following info: Enter your full name – the name you used on Instagram. Enter your Instagram username accurately. Enter the registered email address – used to create your Instagram account. Enter your country – Type your country name and select one from the drop-down list. Upload your business document to verify your details (If you use Instagram for business). Finally, press “Send” to submit your form.

The Response from the Instagram Support Team

You will get a reply from the Instagram support staff within 48 hours of submitting the completed form. This email contains a secret code and instructions.

You need to obey the given instructions to recover a deleted Instagram account. Here are the following steps on how to reply to the email:

Pick up fresh white paper in the A4 size. In bold letters, pen down the received secret code, full name, and Instagram username. You take a sharp, well-lit, steady picture of yourself holding the A4 sheet while keeping in mind: Your face and hands should be visible, as well as the written A4 paper you hold. The A4 paper you hold should boldly display the code, username, and full name.

Finally, send the taken picture in JPEG format as a reply to the email.

In case your Instagram account is temporarily deactivated or hacked. It will take 2-3 days to restore the account. After that, Instagram will send a link to recover your disabled, deactivated, or terminated account. To recover a permanently deleted Instagram account, click on the Link supplied by the Instagram team.


We wrote this article to assist users so that they can recover their deleted Instagram accounts. Unfortunately, if the above approaches fail, there is no alternative or third-party Instagram recovery tool to get a deleted Instagram account back. Need not abandon, though; you can always create a new one, ta-da! You may use the same email address to set up a new Instagram account. Along with your prior username only if some other Instagrammer hasn’t already used it. I hope the information in this piece was helpful to you. Happy Instagramming!

Can you recover a deleted Instagram account?

Yes, you can recover a deleted Instagram account within 30 days. However, after thirty days, you have no option or third-party Instagram recovery tool to get back your account.

How to recover a deleted Instagram account?

Please read our article carefully to recover a deleted Instagram. We tried to cover almost everything helpful.

How to reactivate an Instagram account after permanently deleting it?

No recovery option is yet available to recover your permanently deleted account. Although many third-party tools claim they can help you recover a permanently deleted Instagram account, they don’t. Therefore, you should only contact Instagram Support to attempt account recovery.

How to get a deleted Instagram account back if someone hacked and deleted it?

Our article has explained all the steps to recover a hacked and deleted account. It is possible to recover hacked or compromised accounts after verification.

How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 74How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 74How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 31How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 15How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 43How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 71How to Recover a Deleted Instagram Account Before and After 30 days - 95