Widely Known Facts about SEO

Here are a few widely known facts:

It is well known that “content is king.” It is also well known that domain authority rating is important. Google assigns some type of scoring based on these factors It’s also well known that keywords are important It’s also well known that social media can boost search engine ranking Most people know that keyword and competition research is important

Scope of Search Engine Rank Improvement

A few areas where search engine placement information isn’t widely established:

Most people don’t know that you SHOULD build out your website as more of an encyclopedia of information, and you should create as much information as possible Each page should be associated with 1 or 2 main keywords Most people don’t understand the importance of long-tail keywords Most people don’t understand the importance of developing a URL structure that aligns with the growth of your website over time Most people don’t know that a large number of pages with highly specific information will create a large number of results

Who’s Using Mass-pages Ranking Mechanism?

Most importantly, most website gurus don’t know that enterprise-level lead generation businesses such as HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, and HelloTech use a mass-pages style website. These websites are generating thousands of leads through websites with mass-pages. In many of these cases, page information from one page to another could be more than 90% similar. Let’s take a look at an example of how this plays out by snooping on homeadvisor.com: Here is an example that I created by searching for a plumber in Newark, NJ:

Here is a second example this one is in Columbus, Ohio:

Take a look at the similarity between the 2 pages. The similarity of these pages is profound. Why are they both making it to the first page of search engine results pages? Authority is important, and so are several other factors. But in this instance, we think that the primary reason for the placement is related to the CTR and low bounce rate. When a business website uses a long-tail keyword ranking scheme; this tactic will automatically result in a search engine result listing that is more closely related to what the user was searching. For example, if I search plumbing services in Jersey City, NJ, and my page has those exact keywords on it, users landing on my page will, in turn, have a higher level of interaction with my website, and a lower bounce rate. Since Google uses this information to establish a bounce rate history; the use of many long-tail keywords are a secret weapon in search engine optimization tactics, and they will oftentimes up-rank you even on other terms which your website ranks on google for. A few more examples that I have done for my own websites and client websites:

To show that these results are also available for domains that aren’t as well known as home-advisor or Angie’s List- I have done a few tests on additional websites.


Rinaldo Law Group- Personal Injury and Accident Attorneys:

To sum everything up, it seems like many businesses can benefit from this type of ranking tactic, and the difficulty in ranking for most long-tail keywords really is not very difficult.  I suspect that as this tactic becomes more widely recognized and used throughout the marketplace, the difficulty level to rank long-tail keywords will increase.  Other than that- try this out, and have fun with it.

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